Thursday, December 5

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
though you are small among the clans of Judah,
out of you will come for me
one who will be ruler over Israel,
whose origins are from of old,
from ancient times.” - Micah 5:2
Christmas is a time we look forward to each year. From spending time with our loved ones, to beautiful decorations and twinkling lights, to the delicious foods we eat, to the children eagerly awaiting the opening of presents, to all the joyful sights and sounds of the season. Most of all, we look forward to celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest gift of all.

Micah brought the promise of that most wonderful gift to the people of Israel 700 years before the birth of Christ. Can you imagine their anticipation as they eagerly awaited the birth of the Messiah? He would be the hope and the salvation of the entire world. He would be the fulfillment of God’s promise to bring forth a king, a descendent of King David, born in Bethlehem, to save us from our sins.

As we await Christmas this year, let us focus on the true meaning of the season. Let’s be hopeful and grateful that we have already received the most wonderful gift of all. No matter what we might go through in this life, we have the assurance of being with Jesus in paradise.

Merry Christmas!
Stan and Denise Gandee
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