Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Welcome to Gloucester Point Baptist Church!
Our Children’s Ministry is committed to ensuring a safe, loving and secure environment for your children. Our programs provide excellent Christian education for all children from birth through 5th grade. Various activities are offered during Sunday School, the Sunday worship service, and on Wednesday evenings. Check out our Children & Youth newsletter to learn more about our upcoming activities!
Sunday School is available with age designated classes from 9:40–10:45 every Sunday morning. During the 11:00 AM worship hour following Sunday School, children are encouraged to attend our Children’s Church Program. God, hymns, prayer, the sermon, the choir, etc. are introduced on a child friendly level with stories, crafts, singing and musical activities.
Children’s Wednesday evening bible study and choir are also available for children.
Children’s Ministry Events: Monthly activities are organized for the children along with our annual Vacation Bible School and Advent Bible School.
We hope you visit us soon at Gloucester Point Baptist Church and please let us know of any questions you may have!
Our Children’s Ministry is committed to ensuring a safe, loving and secure environment for your children. Our programs provide excellent Christian education for all children from birth through 5th grade. Various activities are offered during Sunday School, the Sunday worship service, and on Wednesday evenings. Check out our Children & Youth newsletter to learn more about our upcoming activities!
Sunday School is available with age designated classes from 9:40–10:45 every Sunday morning. During the 11:00 AM worship hour following Sunday School, children are encouraged to attend our Children’s Church Program. God, hymns, prayer, the sermon, the choir, etc. are introduced on a child friendly level with stories, crafts, singing and musical activities.
Children’s Wednesday evening bible study and choir are also available for children.
Children’s Ministry Events: Monthly activities are organized for the children along with our annual Vacation Bible School and Advent Bible School.
We hope you visit us soon at Gloucester Point Baptist Church and please let us know of any questions you may have!