Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) is a group of women who take the lead in our Mission work, from teaching missions to adults and young people and supporting Baptist missionaries locally, within Virginia, the United States and around the world. These women are also instrumental in organizing drives to furnish the church with its needs.
We offer two circle opportunities to get involved:
The Annette Acree Circle is our morning circle that meets at 10AM each third Thursday of the month at the church.
The Annie Armstrong Circle is our evening circle that meets at 7PM each third Tuesday of the month at the church.
Please come join us for a time of fellowship, worship and mission involvement.
There is a place for you. Contact the church office for more information!
We offer two circle opportunities to get involved:
The Annette Acree Circle is our morning circle that meets at 10AM each third Thursday of the month at the church.
The Annie Armstrong Circle is our evening circle that meets at 7PM each third Tuesday of the month at the church.
Please come join us for a time of fellowship, worship and mission involvement.
There is a place for you. Contact the church office for more information!

- WMU Council 10:00AM
- Souper Bowl: Annual collection of canned soup for the Salvation Army. Soup is also collected at the Family Night Supper to “vote” for your favorite Super Bowl team.
- WMU Focus Week: Churches throughout our Southern Baptist Convention turn their attention to the missions endeavors of our members.
- WMU Annual Banquet: WMU Annual Banquet close to with Valentine’s Day, enjoy and evening of good food and fellowship as well as inspiring encouragement.
- Week of Prayer for North American Missions
- Annie Armstrong Easter Offering: Annie Armstrong led women to unite in missions endeavors that ultimately led to the formation of Woman’s Missionary Union, for which she served as the first corresponding secretary. She rallied churches to give more, pray more and do more for reaching people for Christ.
- WMU Council Meeting at 10:00 AM
- Bennie Russell Scholarship Month
- George Kissinger Offering & Season of Prayer for Associational Missions
- Bennie Russell Birthday Celebration
- Support Vacation Bible School
- Armstrong & Acree Circles elect New Officers
- WMU Council Meeting 10:00 AM
- Joint Circle WMU Picnic: The Annual WMU Picnic for both circle members and their spouses 6:00 PM at the Breaks’ home.
- Alma Hunt Offering for VA State Missions: Offerings in part fund WMU missions and ministries, outreach projects & other special initiatives and ministries not funded through regular streams of giving.
- WMU Salad Supper: A joint WMU circle supper which includes Secret Pal Identification and selection of new ones for the coming year.
- World Hunger Day: The hunger offering funds are distributed through our many partners in VA and around the world.
- WMU ladies bake loaves of bread to collect monetary donations for the World Hunger Offering.
- Bread Distribution
- William & Mary Collegiate Dinner: Serving dinner to the college students at 5:00PM
- Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer
- Women’s Conference: Women’s Get-Away retreat at Eagle Eyrie Conference Center. Attend seminars on ministering to those in our community.
- Operation Christmas Child: The annual shoe box filling sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse for children around the world to give hope, change lives, and transform communities by sharing the gospel through God’s love with these filled boxes.
- Lottie Moon Tea: Marks the beginning of the week of prayer for international missions, learn about Lottie Moon & guest speaker
- Lottie Moon Offering: Lottie Moon – the namesake of Southern Baptists’ international missions offering – has become a legend. But in her time Lottie was anything but an untouchable hero. In fact, she was like today’s missionaries. She labored tirelessly so her people group could know Jesus.
- Some Interesting Facts About Lottie Moon:
1840—Born into a wealthy southern USA family
1858—Became Christian after a Holy Land trip
1861—One of the first American women to earn a Master of Arts college degree
1862-1865—Teacher and nurse during the Civil War
1873—Sailed September 1st to China as a missionary, to teach, plant churches and care for women and children
1888—Challenged WMU to financially support international missionaries. This became our annual Christmas offering.
1912— Starved to death with her Chinese people. (Fellow missionaries were taking Lottie to America at that time
Lottie Moon was only 4 feet 3 inches tall. BUT WHAT A GLORY TO GOD!!

“The Kissinger Fund”
Week of Prayer for PBA Associational Missions May 21st – 28th
Peninsula Baptist Association impacts the Peninsula region with the gospel of Jesus Christ by working with a network of churches. To equip churches, they offer training events to equip people for the work of ministry, consulting and coaching in church health and growth for local churches and one-on-one coaching for pastors and leaders. For Kingdom ministries, they provide a supportive environment for church planters to begin new work in our area. They share the gospel as they meet needs through Work Camp where teenagers from many churches come together for a week of ministry, fun and worship. PBA Summer Team assists our churches in providing quality Sports Camps which include Bible Study and Worship as well as teaching basic sports skills. Additionally, the PBA partners with Virginia Baptists to provide critical relief during times of disaster.
Photo: Reverend George Kissinger
Week of Prayer for PBA Associational Missions May 21st – 28th
Peninsula Baptist Association impacts the Peninsula region with the gospel of Jesus Christ by working with a network of churches. To equip churches, they offer training events to equip people for the work of ministry, consulting and coaching in church health and growth for local churches and one-on-one coaching for pastors and leaders. For Kingdom ministries, they provide a supportive environment for church planters to begin new work in our area. They share the gospel as they meet needs through Work Camp where teenagers from many churches come together for a week of ministry, fun and worship. PBA Summer Team assists our churches in providing quality Sports Camps which include Bible Study and Worship as well as teaching basic sports skills. Additionally, the PBA partners with Virginia Baptists to provide critical relief during times of disaster.
Photo: Reverend George Kissinger
Each year we set aside a week in May to ask our churches to pray for the work of the Peninsula Baptist Association.
Our Mission Statement is: A Network of Churches, connecting and equipping churches for Kingdom ministry.
We particularly ask that you pray for our staff:
Chuck Harrison (Director) – as he resources our churches to fulfill their visions.
Mike Haywood (Summer Ministry and Senior Adults Director) – as he leads our summer team.
Jim Moynihan (Church and Community Ministry Director)
– as he guides our churches to connect with the people in their communities.
Mike Mines (Administrator) – as he continues to oversee our facilities and activities.
Rose Chang (Bookkeeper) – as she continues to steward the financial resources of the PBA.
Our Mission Statement is: A Network of Churches, connecting and equipping churches for Kingdom ministry.
We particularly ask that you pray for our staff:
Chuck Harrison (Director) – as he resources our churches to fulfill their visions.
Mike Haywood (Summer Ministry and Senior Adults Director) – as he leads our summer team.
Jim Moynihan (Church and Community Ministry Director)
– as he guides our churches to connect with the people in their communities.
Mike Mines (Administrator) – as he continues to oversee our facilities and activities.
Rose Chang (Bookkeeper) – as she continues to steward the financial resources of the PBA.
We hope to use funds from the offering to help churches begin new initiatives to reach into their communities. We also want to encourage the planting of new churches that are focused on reaching their immediate communities. By providing small grants to new churches we may help them fulfill the mission God has given them.
Envelopes for your offering will be provided in the May 21, 2023 Bulletin. Make sure to document your GPBC Giving Envelope # on the outside of the envelope.
Envelopes for your offering will be provided in the May 21, 2023 Bulletin. Make sure to document your GPBC Giving Envelope # on the outside of the envelope.