Quick Details about Sports camp

The Details
Everyone is welcome, so mark your calendars today for GPBC Sports Camp June 24 – June 28, 2024, 6:00 pm to 8:30pm!
Sports: Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Soccer, and more!
Who is it for?
Bring your children, ages 4 through 12, for fun and fellowship while they improve their skills.
How Much Does it Cost
The cost is $10 per child.
Discounts are available for families of 3 or more children attending.

*Scholarships are available for those with a financial need.
How can I learn more?
Please contact the church office at 804-642-2555 or office@gpbc.church

Sports Camp Registration

Parent/Guardian Household Information

Media Release Form

Gloucester Point Baptist Church loves to share our Kids & Student experiences with the community whether through the press, radio, social media or our website as a means of informing the public of our programs, activities, and accomplishments. Without parent or guardian permission, GPBC will never release any personally identifiable information that includes parental/guardian names, your child(ren) name(s) or the date and place of a particular event.

Parental permission is required to interview, photograph or film anyone under the age of eighteen (18).

Crowd shots that are not meant to identify individuals and photographs for GPBC will be exempt from the parental permission requirement.

Permission and Hold Harmless Agreement

I give consent for my child(ren),  to participate in activities, events, and outings sponsored by Gloucester Point Baptist Church. I understand that the church, its pastor(s), employees, agents, and volunteer workers are NOT responsible for any bodily injury or property damage/loss incurred during my child’s participation. I give permission for any emergency medical treatment to be performed by a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, and/or hospital when deemed necessary or advisable to safeguard my child’s health when I cannot be contacted. I agree to be responsible for any expenses not covered by my insurance which may be incurred as a result of an accident or medical
emergency involving my child.